
Savings and operational reliability for fuel use

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Operate more environmentally friendly with BLCS Diesel Booster

BLCS Diesel Booster on petrokemiallinen dieselin lisäaine, joka on kehitetty antamaan optimaalinen palotapahtuma moottorissa. Tuote soveltuu käytettäväksi kaiken tyyppisten diesel polttoaineiden kanssa.
Thanks to the more efficient combustion process, the engine's efficiency improves, leading to reduced costs and emissions.

BLCS Diesel Booster pullo
BLCS Bensin Booster pullo


Torque and power with BLCS Gasoline Booster

An efficient, non-foaming additive for all gasoline, two-stroke, and ethanol engines (E85). It burns fuel more completely, providing more power. The additive acts as a cushion, dampening valve impacts and lubricating and cleaning the entire fuel system. The combined effect of these features results in a more reliable engine with lower maintenance and fuel costs, saving you money and increasing reliability.

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